Saturday, 20 July 2013

Mobile phone trick, how to take amazing macro photos.

I'd like to show you a trick that I learned god knows where.

It still amazes me! You will be able to take awesome macro shots with your phones camera, coming up closer than any DSLR could.
This will work best if your phone has a flat camera lens, such as the one on the iPhone. All you have to do is place a drop of water on the lens, covering the entire lens. Most normal people wouldn't dare to expose their phone to water, but I like to take chances, and the results are definitely worth the risk! (If your phone does accidentally go for a swim however, remove the battery and place both the phone and the battery in a bowl of rice for a couple of hours and hope for the best. Rice will suck moisture out of the phone.) 
The bigger the drop of water, the closer you will be able to get, and the shallower the depth of field will be (what is depth of field? If the drop of water is very big, it will wobble a lot and the focusing will be extremely difficult, so it will be very hard to get any sharp pictures. I found that a small drop of water, that creates a small bump about 1mm above the lens works best, but you will have to experiment to get the best results. Focus by just moving the lens closer and further away from the subject. You will have to get very close to get a focused image. I assure you that once you see what you can do, you won't want to put your phone down!

Last week I went over to my summer house where there is no internet, so I decided to take photos for this post, now I'm back in the city where I'm writing this post. My grandmother grows lots of flowers at my summer house, so I had a lot of things to shoot. Here are some examples made with an iPhone 4S.

A drop of water focusing sunlight on a clover.
Small spider web on a rose bush thorn.

A small strawberry.

The stigma of a flower surrounded by its stamen.

Yellow rose.

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Cat hair.

Some things that you could try taking pictures of is sugar granules or other spices, tips of a pencil/pens or anything that I have take a picture of here. Hopefully you will be able to follow the method I posted above, and get some great pictures!

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