Sunday 29 December 2013

Many hands make light work

I have returned! I hope everyone had  wonderful Christmas. The new year is fast approaching and I have started taking pictures again. Santa brought be the Canon 100D which I'm very happy with. After over a year of not owning a DSLR, I managed to come up with these two images.

I also got a lens mug which you can see in the top picture. Came up with that quick idea and decided to try and achieve it. Believe it or not it wasn't easy, I didn't have a tripod, extrenal flashes or any other equipment other than my camera. Setting up the shot was very difficult. I was forced to climb kitchen surfaces to be able to pour the milk and carefully press the shutter button without moving the camera. I lit the scene using the internal flash, with a lot of kitchen foil to bounce the light. At the end of the shot the kitchen was a mess but I am extremely happy with the results. Working in Photoshop for the first time was slightly frustrating but I remebered a tutorial video I watched a few months back, so that helped me vaguely remember what to do.

The very next day I came up with this which you can see in the bottom picture, using the same principle. Took about 5 shots, blended together in Photoshop, exported to Lightroom and achieved the desired effect.
The Photoshop job is not perfect but I'm learning! Hopefully you enjoyed these photos, I am very happy with how they turned out. Have a happy new year!